As you begin to spend more time inside this fall, you may think you’re safe from the allergens filling the outside air. Unfortunately, you cannot escape allergens, because your home has a way of trapping them inside. While there’s no way to control the air quality outside, there are steps you can take to keep …
How to Make Your Home Comfortable in the Fall
Fall can be a difficult transitional season because temperatures often dip at night and then rise again in the daytime. You may not need to turn on the air conditioning or heat just yet, but you want to stay comfortable in your home. Here are some tips from our HVAC professionals to keep your home …
5 Signs You Need a Dehumidifier
High humidity causes discomfort and can lead to damaging mold and mildew growth if left untreated. Luckily, a dehumidifier is a simple and easy solution. Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily need to feel hot and sticky to have too-high humidity levels. Here are five signs you may need a dehumidifier in your home. …
6 Ways to Keep Your Home Cool This Summer
Central Pennsylvania summers can be hot, with temperatures climbing into the high 80s and even 90s. When the temperature and humidity go up, your air conditioner needs to work harder to keep your home at the desired temperature. That can drive up your energy bills. Fortunately, there are alternative ways to get relief from the …
7 Home Energy Saving Tips for the Summer
Central Pennsylvania summers can get extremely hot, with temperatures climbing into the high 80s and even 90s. You’re probably faced with high utility bills from running your air conditioner all day and wondering how you can lower your energy consumption. Here are some proven energy-saving tips for the summer. 1. Get Your HVAC System Professionally …