When it comes to home comfort, nothing affects your body’s perception more than the humidity level. Keeping your home’s humidity between 30-60% can help reduce the effects of many unwanted conditions.
While a portable humidifier or dehumidifier may help with a few trouble spots, a whole-home system gives you precise control over humidity levels throughout your house. This increases your comfort levels and ensures that you’re breathing healthy air.
Learn more about humidifiers and dehumidifiers and see which one you need.
Signs You Need a Humidifier or Dehumidifier
If humidity levels are unbalanced, you will likely notice certain symptoms. Do you have dry, itchy skin? Sore throat? Sinus irritation? All are signs of too little humidity in the home. On the other hand, too much humidity will make you feel stuffy or clammy. It may also trigger or worsen allergies since moist air can encourage the growth of mold, bacteria, and dust mites.
About Whole-House Humidifiers
A humidifier adds moisture to the air in your home by evaporating water and distributing it through your duct system. Humidifiers are most commonly used in the cooler months or in dry climates year-round. Central Pennsylvania usually experiences dry air during the fall and winter months.
Benefits of Adding a Humidifier
Adding a humidifier to your system can benefit not only your health but your home as well. We’ve broken down some of the top benefits below:
- During the cooler months, a humidifier will help you feel more comfortable at a lower indoor temperature, therefore, saving you money on your utility costs
- Decrease allergy and asthma attacks
- Eliminate dry, flakey skin and dry nasal passages
- Large gaps in wood flooring will be reduced
- Bacteria and viruses do not thrive at proper humidity settings
- Eliminate static electricity shocks
- Most humidifiers operate quietly and are easy to maintain
- Dogs and cats have less static, and the increased humidity will make them feel more comfortable
About Whole-House Dehumidifiers
Dehumidifiers are easily installed as part of your home’s heating and cooling system. With a whole-house dehumidifier, humid air is pulled through return ducts where moisture is removed and then redistributed as dry air. It works alongside your air conditioning system to balance the humidity levels in your home. A dehumidifier can also work independently on cooler fall days where air conditioning may not be needed.
Benefits of Dehumidifiers
There are many benefits to installing a dehumidifier in your home:
- Decreased household allergens – moist air can encourage the growth of mold, bacteria, and dust mites
- Reduce musty odors and smells
- Reduced condensation in the home (wet stains on your walls or ceiling)
- Deter mold and mildew growth
- Eliminate sticky, “sweaty” floors
- Save money in the summer months – feel cooler at a higher thermostat setting
- Better sleep – no clammy skin or stuffiness in the air
Ultimate home comfort is achieved when you can control the temperature as well as humidity. Take control of your indoor air with a whole-house dehumidifier.
Whole-House Humidifier and Dehumidifier Installation
Our technicians are trained to properly install a humidifier or dehumidifier in your home and can accomplish a complete installation in about 4 hours. The process to install includes running a water line, a drain line, wiring, adding a humidity controller and mounting the system into the air ducting in a safe place. The effects of a new humidifier or dehumidifier can be noticed in about 24 hours or sooner. The system automatically turns on and off as needed, keeping your home at a comfortable level at all times.
Please contact our Comfort Consultants to evaluate your existing HVAC system and humidity needs and we will provide the perfect solution to get you breathing easily again. We offer nearly every major brand, including Carrier, AprilAire, Honeywell, and GeneralAire.
Service and Repair for Lancaster Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers
Humidifiers and dehumidifiers require annual maintenance to remain effective. It is best for a trained technician to complete this work. We will replace the water wick, clean the drain line, check the control and solenoid operation, and set your system for optimum operating efficiency and comfort.
If you notice a water leak or if the system isn’t keeping up with your humidity needs, call immediately to have our service team get your humidifier or dehumidifier operating properly. When you ignore these signs, you risk damage to the HVAC equipment and even your property. In most cases, your system can be repaired during the initial service call.
We would be happy to help you determine which humidification or dehumidification system works best for your home and the needs of your family. Please call RSC Heating & Air Conditioning at (717) 299-3914 for a free in-home estimate, or request an estimate online.