Heating and Cooling

Spring Safety Tips for Your Home Air Conditioner

With spring fast approaching, we enter a transition time for your heating and cooling system. The cool nights begin to give way to warmer days and we are happily given a preview of the summer days ahead.

During this welcomed change, many will begin to switch their thermostat from heating to cooling, but before you do, be cautioned! There are important steps that need to be taken first. We’ve developed these quick spring safety tips for your home air conditioner to ensure your AC starts the season strong.

1. Remove Your Air Conditioner Winter Cover.

Some homeowners choose to wrap their air conditioning systems to protect them from harsh winter elements. Before you flip your thermostat from heat to cool for the first time this spring, make sure you’ve removed your cover.

Running an AC that’s still covered can lead directly to component failure due to lack of airflow which is a direct cause of overheating.

2. Visually Check Your Home AC System

You may feel like you don’t know what you’re looking at when you look at your home air conditioner, but you don’t need to be an expert to sight check your AC.

Here are some of the things you want to look for before starting your air conditioning system:

  • Make sure there’s nothing in the way of the fan blades. No plants, winter nests, etc.
  • Ensure the circuit breaker for the unit is working, and switched on.
  • If needed, clean or replace the air filter. You can always call us to purchase a new one.
  • Make sure your supply registers and outlets are open and uncovered.
  • All returns should be open.
  • Ensure the condensate line is free from any blockage.

3. Check Your AC System Ductwork

Within your AC system itself isn’t the only place where failures can occur, it’s important to make sure you check your ductwork as well. We frequently work in homes in Lancaster, and Elizabethtown that have their AC ductwork in the attic. Make sure you check these ducts! It’s easy to miss them because they’re out of sight, and out of mind. 

Home Air conditioner ductwork is often located in the basement ceiling as well as the attic.

If your system hasn’t been used all winter you’re going to want to make sure there are not any new openings or disconnections. If you do spot a hole, or disconnected duct, you’ll need to make sure they’re fixed before turning on your AC. 

Those issues will lower the efficiency of your air conditioning system as a whole, and potentially overstress your system’s internal components.

4. It’s Time to Turn on Your AC.

With all the checks completed above, you should feel confident turning on your AC.

Please remember these steps can’t guarantee your system will function properly or efficiently. If your system isn’t functioning the way you want, give us a call. We can professionally clean and service your air conditioning system in anticipation of the Pennsylvania Summer heat.

During our visit our technicians will check in with you about your current home comfort needs and provide you with an evaluation of the safety and efficiency of your home air conditioning system. 

We’re happy to provide you with recommendations on how you can further improve your home’s comfort specific to its structure, system, and temperature problem areas. Feel free to make a list to share with your technician when they arrive.

Schedule Spring Maintenance


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